Music Therapy Services
I specialize in early childhood and early intervention, music therapy to address speech and communication needs, music therapy to address regulation needs, developmental disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, mental health, Substance Use Disorders, and adolescents. However, music therapy is beneficial for all ages and can assist with various needs and domains of health. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me to find out if music therapy may be right for you or your loved one!

Initial Music Therapy Assessment
1-2 hours of consultation, direct care, and paperwork in order to determine clinical goals and objectives for music therapy treatment: Starting at $155
*Discounts available for group services
*Required for all music therapy services prior to start of services. This requirement is waived for returning clients.
Individual Music Therapy in the home
30-minute session (available only for children and individuals with disabilities): Starting at $55
45-minute session: Starting at $75
60-minute session: Starting at $100
*Sibling rates available
Music Therapy in the community
30-minute session (available only for children and individuals with disabilities): Starting at $75
45-minute session: Starting at $105
60-minute session: Starting at $135
Additional Traveling Fees from clinic:
0-24 miles: $0
25-30 miles: $25/session
31-39 miles: $30/session
40-49 miles: $40/session
*Opportunity to waive/reduce based on number of sessions/hours of service