Looking for songs and music experiences to celebrate Independence Day this week with your family, students, or clients? Keep reading to discover 5 children's songs about this patriotic holiday.
"The USA Song" by Nancy Kopman
Children learn all 50 states through this song. This song pairs well with a map of the united states as a visual aide. Many games can be incorporated with the song as well, including matching a picture of the state with its name or coloring in each state on a map as they occur in the song.
This song was written by a board-certified music therapist and is all about fireworks! Kids can crouch down and pretend to be, "a fire work about to go off". When they hear the word, "boom", they can jump up in the air. Like wise, this song pairs well with a parachute. Instruct the children to bring it low to the ground. When they hear the word "boom", they should lift it high above their heads. A ball or other props can be placed on the parachute for extra fun! This provides a great opportunity to address impulse control and attention to task as the children wait to "pop" up until they are cued. Likewise, the song includes bilabial targets for speech needs that can be achieved with the sound effects, "pop" and "boom".
This song is also about fireworks and can be used to address color identification. Give children scarves that match the colors listed in the song. Instruct the children to crouch down and wait until their color is mentioned in the song before jumping up and waving their color scarf. This music experience is also another way to address impulse control and attention to task.
Rachel Rambach is a board-certified music therapist. Her song, "The July Song" is available on her website for purchase. The song improves object identification and articulation of the /j/ sound. This song also pairs well with visual aides of the various objects.
Listen to and purchase the song here from Rachel's website.
"Yankee Doodle" Traditional
This simple and traditional song is a childhood favorite. The song has an interesting history that you can share with your kids!
Blooming Bridge Music Therapy specializes in early childhood and early intervention. We provide group and individual services in our office, at home, and in the community. If you or your loved one are interested in music therapy or music enrichment, you can find more information here.